
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Face Tape For Wrinkles

People have always been searching for ways to make themselves appear more youthful, and in today’s beauty-conscious culture, people from all walks of life are trying various remedies for wrinkles, crow’s feet, laugh lines and other signs of aging. This is especially important for models, celebrities and others whose careers depend in large part on how they look. Some people resort to plastic surgery, or inject substances such as Botox or collagen into their skin to create a more youthful appearance. However, while these methods can be effective, they are also extremely costly, and involve a great deal of risk. If the surgery or injection isn’t done properly, it can result in scarring, infections, more surgery, or other complications. Fortunately, there are other methods which can be just as effective as surgery, but are not nearly as expensive or dangerous.

Face tape, or facial tape, is one popular method for reducing wrinkles and improving the youthful appearance of one’s skin. Wrinkles are caused by the effects of gravity; as one ages, the long-term effect of gravity is that it forces everything downward. While we are young, our skin still has a great degree of elasticity, and can counteract the daily effects of gravity, springing back to its normal state overnight. However, our skin gradually loses that elasticity over the years, meaning that the visible effects of gravity become more and more pronounced. Using face tape for wrinkles allows an individual to counteract these effects by removing the gravitational strain on skin during sleep.

Face tape for wrinkles is normally applied during spa treatments. The first step is to cleanse skin with an exfoliating cream that removes dead skin cells and gives the skin a bright, youthful appearance. The person receiving the treatment would lie down, removing the downward gravitational pull on skin and causing it to return to its more youthful, wrinkle-free appearance. The tape is applied at this time, so as to ensure that it pulls gently and evenly on the facial skin. Any sagging skin is pulled backward and upward, like a non-surgical face lift, and smaller pieces of tape are applied to even out the more shallow wrinkles, such as small lines around the lips or on the forehead. This treatment is typically done multiple times during each session, and return visits will be required to maintain the youthful appearance created by the taping; however, it is said that using face tape for wrinkles does create a noticeable difference over time.

Another method for applying face tape for wrinkles is one which anyone can do at home. With a simple kit (a variety of which are available from many different outlets), one can pull facial skin back to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is a more temporary solution than the spa treatment option, but also significantly less expensive, and doesn’t involve going to the spa once or twice a week. This approach involves attaching an anchor to the neck, just under the hairline, and attaching facial tape to the anchor. The tape and the anchor are typically hidden by the hairline, and while it can be problematic to always be checking to make sure the pieces are hidden, it can be a great temporary solution for a single event, photoshoot, or other occasion.

Reblogged from: Richibrown Organic Natox

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